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The Lancaster Hospital
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Fulwood Hall Hospital, Preston
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Tim Millar is a trauma and orthopaedic surgeon in Lancaster and Kendal and provides a general lower limb surgery and fracture service. In addition he has undertaken further specialist training in foot and ankle disorders and works as part of a multi-disciplinary team both within the NHS and private sector.
Initially, for the majority of conditions, a trial of non-operative treatment measures often with help from orthotists and physiotherapists would be recommended. The majority of conditions will be improved by simple measures alone.
Where conservative measures fail to control symptoms the surgical options, when indicated, will be discussed with you. Due to potential complications, surgical intervention is only normally recommended for moderate to severe symptoms, with functional impairment and when all other measures have been tried. If symptoms are mild or intermittent with no major functional issues, the risks of surgery are likely to outweigh the benefit.
The risks of surgery and the expected recovery period will be carefully explained to you as part of the consent process. Often, with foot and ankle surgery, there can be a prolonged recovery period and, although the vast majority of patients do well, not everyone will be helped by surgical treatment. Most of the common foot and ankle procedures have a success rate of about 90%.
If we are unable to diagnose or manage your condition we will ensure that you are referred for a further opinion when this is indicated or if you wish to have a second opinion this can be arranged. For more complex conditions it is often helpful to obtain further opinions as part of a multi disciplinary approach.
This website has been created to better inform patients about the various treatment options available as part of the joint decision making process. Mr Millar is committed to providing a high quality, patient focused service in a relaxed and friendly environment and we welcome feedback in order to improve the service.