Procedure: Primary midfoot fusion for complex fracture dislocation
Thank you very much for putting me back on my feet again and for your empathetic care during the whole process. It made a huge difference that you seemed genuinely concerned for my welfare and that you took pains to explain what was happening and why. This, and the surgical outcome, makes it easy to see why you are held in such high esteem by your colleagues.
I will update you on my progress in about six months time.
Very best wishes
Procedure: Flatfoot reconstruction (medial displacement calcaneal osteotomy with FDL tendon transfer and spring ligament reconstruction with 'internal brace')
I was impressed by the consultant, Tim Millar, he was thorough in his examination of my foot and at the same time listened to my responses to his questions, and to what I had to say when I offered more information. He explained with great clarity everything and answered all my questions. I have every confidence in his skill and ability and apart from that he really came across as a caring professional and a nice man. I feel lucky to have him looking after me.....To start with, a new set of orthotics would be made to trial a non-surgical outcome and in the meantime an MRI scan would be arranged. The surgeon was a pleasant very professional man, he explained things well and listened to what I had to say. I was also pleased that he didn't once talk down to me like I'm an idiot.
Procedure: Arthroscopic ankle fusion
Mr Millar has always had attention to detail for me as an individual patient, from day one of meeting him. Always offered impartial advice. Treatment options and excellent follow up care and advice. Would highly recommend Mr Millar to anyone. Thank you Mr Millar!
Procedure: FHL tendon transfer for chronic TA rupture
I wouldn't want to see any other surgeon. I have complete trust in him. Mr Millar listens well, looks at you when he is speaking to you, explains things well and answers questions and queries with a confident knowledge that is very reassuring.
Senior foot and ankle specialist trainee review
My trainer is very organised and this is reflected by a planned meeting a week prior to commencing my post to discuss my educational needs for the placement. By the first day, I had toured the department, had a learning agreement, and knew my team ready to work(and learn), this was the first time my start in a new place has been this smooth and welcoming. Every opportunity to learn was explored, and I felt supported. My trainer realised that his own practice would not allow me opportunities to observe some procedures and he therefore ensured that the rota allowed me time to be with a colleague consultant who provided that opportunity. He went further to facilitate the other consultant to take me whenever he had complex cases with educational value. This was one personal aspect where I felt my trainer cared about my learning over and above merely meeting the minimum required. There was a sense of teamwork, much as I was the trainee my input was sought and valued, this helped me with needing to always find out new information so as to participate in the team, which helped cement my own learning. Never did I feel embarrassed or harassed, even in the moments I did not know the correct answers. This was such a good placement, I would go back.
Consultant orthopaedic surgeon review
He is very competent, pleasant, thorough and always available for advice. A very valued member of our Department. Excellent surgeon who reflects on work deeply to improve outcome for patients and embraces new techniques successfully. An excellent colleague and team player, very keen to help especially with foot and ankle complex problems, a real asset to the department. Already working at the highest standard.
Senior foot and ankle trainee review
At the height of the pandemic, Mr Millar made every effort possible to create learning opportunities for me. He even made some changes in his operative lists to accommodate for my training needs. He is helpful, approachable and supportive colleague who leads by example and cares about all members of his team. He helped me revise for the exam and even created a small local study group which has certainly helped my part 2 revision. It is therefore with great pleasure that I nominate Tim for trainer of the year award.
Total knee replacement patient
Thank you for my new knees, it's amazing the things I can do again, thanks to you and your wonderful team, its brilliant to have my life back.